Monday, February 18, 2008


This last week sucked and not just a little! Abby and Milly were both sick. I took Milly to the doctor and she had RSV. I can't handle my kids being sick, I am that crazy Mom that panics about everything! My poor doctor, I think my chart is labled fussy parent. You think I'm kidding, but I overheard them talking. You're not going to believe me but this is a picture of Milly sick. Yes, my baby is happy even with a fever and having a hard time breathing. I wasn't so happy. The doctor didn't believe me she was really sick when he first saw her because she was being all flurty. She gets that from me. I had skills when it came to flurting. I haven't selpt since last Saturday and I am so over breathing treatments. To Quote Jeddy "Valentines day is lame" so we wont even go there. To top it off we also had to give talks in church! So it was a no good very bad week! On the bright side I got a really cute hair cut.


Brianna said...

It's so crappy when kids are sick! I know how you feel. :( Sounds like you guys had a long weekend... Hey, where are the pictures of your cute haircut?? I need to do something with mine... I might have to copy yours. :)

William and Marianne said...

Oh Anna! Im so sorry! :( Thats so scary. Mean doctors. Im glad you are fussy! If not, they may have missed that she had RSV. Im so sorry!! Is there anything I can do?

Jason, Amanda, Brayden and Dillon said...

Anna, if it makes you feel any better I think Brayden's doctor has the same label on his chart. I am SO paranoid. But hey, it's better safe than sorry!!! I can't believe little Milly has RSV, it is so hard to keep them away from everything, especially this time of year. I hope that she can get over it fast....and Abby too! I hate it when they are sick because you worry that something will happen during the night or something...and boy are those nights long!!!! We sure do miss you guys!! Oh yeah, no fair telling that you got a cute haircut and then leaving us to try and imagine what it looks like :) Where are the pics??!!

CDR said...

Way to look on the brightside Anna! I am sorry, I agree, sick children are the worst. The whole world stops when Weston is sick. I am a fussy parent too. I hope you are all on the mend soon!

Trina said...

I agree Milly does get her flirting from you! You are so cute. Sorry to hear about Milly. I hate having sick kids! It is just so sad for them. Let me know if I can help, I'll take Abby for you! Where is the picture of your hair cut? We want to have a bbq with you, Lexi and the fam sometime!

Trina said...

That is a way cute picture of Milly! What a lucky girl she is to have a mom like you.

shay said...

Sorry to hear the kids were sick, hopefully their feeling better. I think it's worse though that you had to talk in church. I've managed to escape that since I got married (knock on wood). Valentines Day for me was Costco food with 3 kids, Jake was on a golf trip. Fun for me! I spent a good hour at Target yesterday where were you?

Bert and Benton said...

I'm laughing so hard right now, but not becuase you had a horrible week, you just slay me. Sorry Anna. How did the talks go??? and Yes, your hair cut is Adorable!! I am jealous!

Tina ♥ said...

Sorry the kids are sick! I agree it is so stressful. We are very familiar with breathing treatments. Your talks were good, but I am glad it wasn't me! and I bet Jeddy secretly LOVES Valentine's Day. Hope your kids continue to get better!

Deb said...

I totally agree that your hair cut and is so dang cute!!! I saw you on Sunday, while you were giving your talk and was like, she looks hot. I want that hair. No joke!!! So you need to do hair again!!!

Liz said...

If it helps I really enjoyed hearing both of your talks (I've been meaning to tell you guys), Both of you have talent expressing yourselves and speaking in front of others. Sorry to hear about RSV, its not fun, and I hear ya on the breathing treatments.

Traci said...

Im sorry your girls are sick. There is nothing like haveing sick kids. Especially RSV. Ive been there, done that. I hope everyone gets well again. Post some pics of your hair cut. I just cut mine today and it is so short. We'll have to compare.